Applying Animal Wisdom
Ahhh late July-early August is the time of year that the Chinese culture refers to as the 5th Season, which is late summer between the height of summer and before the drop into autumn. A time that is full of possibility. A pregnant pause that is ripe with the fullness of life where things are just more, more…… and life extends an invitation to each of us to join in the dance of life simply by being - not doing - by being ourselves in our fullness.
At Inner Alchemy in West Seattle the Fifth Season is honored as Sacred Animal month through unique classes offered by a variety of instructors - Animal Communication (Neave Karger), Canine First Aid & CPR class (Helga Karisch), Meet your Spirit Animal (Neave Karger), and Discover Your Animals Chakras (Vicki Draper) as well as the Art Walk displaying Becky MacPherson’s beautiful channeled paintings and pen and ink drawings of animals. In honoring the Sacred Animal this month and in this fifth season I invite us to learn from the animals about being part of the fullness of life.
This fifth season resonates with the compassionate accepting space animals live where life is lived in the moment whether it is the ball to chase, the itch to be scratched, the bug to pounce on or their people to be with. They welcome their humans just as they are tired, joyful, depressed, confused, and content. The animals do not demand people to change. Their compassionate acceptance welcomes the connection and invites the fullness of who you are in that moment.
This fifth season is also an excellent time to observe wild animals in the many activities of their lives. Teaching young ones to fly, hunting and gathering of food, claiming territory through elaborate dances or just simply being the snail that is crossing the path during a forest stroll.
The animals offer many teachings about presence and being in this season of fullness and the dance of life. Simply by finding the silence within and observing them the teachings are available whether it’s a domesticated animal or a wild animal or insect. Slow down and be in the moment and allow your whole body to be receptive listening and observing with your ears, eyes, smell, and feelings. This is a place of remembering - remembering that your body already knows how to connect with nature and the animals you did it as a kid.
Listen from this place and observe what stirs within you. What sensations or thoughts or emotions bubble up? How does their wildness speak to your wildness? Curiously ask a question and see if you can receive a response. Either a general question about being that particular animal or perhaps a question about what is coming up for you. Then listen with your whole body - Animal Communication happens really quickly so be open and receptive to whatever you get. It may be a taste, a feeling, a sensation, a word, a smell, or an image.
It is here in the sacred act of presence that the dance of life really begins.
Many of the offerings at Inner Alchemy are an invitation to step into this dance with Sacred Animals.
Inner Alchemy Tribe member Neave Karger is an Intuition Coach and Animal Communicator. She takes delight in working with people to gain confidence in using their intuition and speaking with the animals. She offers regular monthly Animal Communication classes at Inner Alchemy every 2nd Tuesday night and every 3rd Saturday. Her enthusiasm is really contagious!