A Healthy State of Mind
A Health State of Mind - Using Self Hypnosis to Create Your Best Life
Self Hypnosis: the fastest, easiest, most natural, self-help transformational tool. You can use your brain for most all changes you wish to make in your life and your body, but many people are not using it. WHY? Let’s explore where the problems begin.
Our programming begins as early as the womb and continues until about age 7. During this time our brain is in the Theta state, where it is receiving and recording everything we learn, see, hear, taste and smell. What does the programming teach us? Quite a bit of false information about ourselves. Some experience negative feelings in the womb, even feelings of being unwanted. Some even experience feeling fear in the womb as domestic violence is happening in a home. Others hear words from parents or teachers that create negative feelings and beliefs that are not true. For example, if you wear a hat indoors you will lose your hair later in life, if you don’t eat your carrots you could lose your eyesight. Or maybe you heard, you are a “bad” girl/boy, or you are a “good” girl/boy after completing a task. Or, that if you do something an adult says is bad or you hurt someone else’s feelings somehow, “you should be ashamed of yourself”, right? How many people were told as a child, “be quiet or I’ll give you something to cry about”? What does that say to a child… that your feelings are bad, better hold it in or stuff those feelings away. What happens to kids watching mom and dad fight, hearing the painful words of name calling, putting the other person down, etc. Listening to the fear of being poor, not enough money for the bills, not enough money for food, and that sets in the fear of lack for later in life. Listening to complaining about paying the bills, “life isn’t fair, it is hard”. At school, “work hard, do your homework, or you won’t amount to anything in life”.
This is where the programming begins for learning things like “I’m not good enough, I don’t deserve this or that”, feelings of shame and guilt and despair. Fear, fear of lack, feeling unloved, unwanted and believing that something is wrong with me if I can’t achieve things that other people have or if I can’t do what other people can do.
When you consider hypnosis, what comes to mind? “I don’t want to be under mind control and walk around clucking like a chicken”, is that right? Or maybe, hypnosis can’t be real, it doesn’t work, my friend tried and he didn’t quit smoking, or possibly something else. Maybe if you have a religious background? “you might open the door to evil spirits”. These statements are not true.
To discover how self- hypnosis can help us make positive, permanent changes in our lives, let’s talk about hypnosis truths and de-bunk some of the myths.
What is hypnosis? Hypnosis is focused awareness where you are highly receptive to positive suggestions. The hypnotist and client work together to achieve results.
Truth – Hypnosis is a normal, natural state of mind, and everyone goes into some state of hypnosis daily.
Truth - Hypnosis is a state of mind, it is not a feeling. Hypnosis is not mind control. One example of being in a state of hypnosis is, as you fall asleep at night, or wake up in the morning, your brain is in a level of hypnosis. Watching your favorite television show and you are really into it; then, and your spouse or mom is calling you for dinner, but you don’t hear her. That is another example.
Truth - Everyone who can follow instructions and is willing can be hypnotized. People who go on stage agree to engage in the entertainment, and you notice some participants end up leaving the stage before the entertainment begins.
Myth – Hypnosis is mind control.
The fact is that hypnosis works below the level of conscious thinking, it works at the subconscious level where you have unlimited memory capacity. At each level of consciousness there is a critical factor, kind of a body guard so to speak, so if something is suggested that you don’t believe or maybe you don’t like or agree with, like then you would simply open your eyes and emerge yourself from the hypnotic state.
How does hypnosis really work?
Let’s cover the 3 levels of the brain that can help us understand.
We have the unconscious mind, which is running our autonomic nervous system. It is making our heart beat, lungs breath, etc. so we don’t have to consciously think and tell our body to do these things. It is done unconsciously. This is the part that generates feelings.
Next, we have the subconscious mind, this is the part of the brain where all the memories and habits reside, it has unlimited capacity. The subconscious mind is where our beliefs, emotions and habits are stored.
Finally, the conscious mind is analytical and has minimal capacity, short term memory and it is rational. Think about it, your mind can be very chaotic. And, since you can only focus on about 6-9 bits of information at any given moment, you are really using the subconscious part of your mind for most of your day. Especially since in our culture we have so much to do and so much to think about. Pressure, negativity in the news, eat this, don’t eat that. Fear, fear and more fear. And we know, the programming of our subconscious mind is about 70 percent negative. That’s what is running most of our day, the 70 percent negative part of our brain! it’s no wonder we can’t figure out how to change a behavior or negative thoughts.
Watch Dr. Bruce Lipton on You tube. “This will literally blow your mind.”
Science can now explain that genes are not the controlling factor in our bodies. That is old news. With the power of hypnosis you can change things not only in your thoughts, and habits, but you can use hypnosis to correct issues in your body functions, just like yogis can control body temperature, heart rate, etc. It is possible during hypnosis, so by learning self-hypnosis you can literally make just about any change you desire.
This is GREAT NEWS! Quoted by Dr. Bruce Lipton, “Your brain is your best pharmacy. Everything in your head will fix everything in your body.”
Hypnosis can be used to gain confidence, gain motivation to eliminate procrastination, remove fears and eliminate negative thoughts. Hypnosis can help increase memory and enhance visualization techniques for greater performance. Use hypnosis to heal from trauma, overcome anxiety and depression.
Don’t waste another moment suffering.
Hypnosis works fast, and hypnosis works for almost any issue. Create lasting change in your life and achieve your goals.
Please contact Lisa Shook, Certified 5-PATH® Hypnotist and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Teacher to find out more about hypnosis.
Lisa Shook, 5-Path® Hypnotist and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Teacher and Reiki Master/ Teacher
Inner Alchemy Tribe Member
Join Lisa for her upcoming Hypnosis Classes:
JUNE 15: Intro to Self Hypnosis
JUNE 30: Learn 7-Path Self Hypnosis