Akashic Records
A Dynamic View of the Akashic Records
When I tell people that I’m an Akashic Records intuitive, their usual response is, ““What are the Akashic Records?” The short answer is that the Akashic Records are a way to access the energy and knowledge that’s always around us. The deeper explanation takes a little longer.
Everything is Energy
Understanding the Akashic Records starts with understanding that everything is energy. Everything. Your soul. Your beliefs. The company you’ve created or work for. Concepts like Love, Transformation, Purpose, or any other idea you can name is energy. What’s solid—cars, bodies, houses, the slightly wobbly table at your favorite coffee shop—is simply a flow of energy that has combined with intention in order to form a three-dimensional shape you can touch, taste, hear, see, smell, or sense.
Even the crystals at Inner Alchemy are flows of energy that have taken remarkably lovely forms! As energy moves, it leaves a record; all of these records taken together are the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records also encompass energetic flows that are everywhere at all times—even the energies our human minds can’t quite grasp or don’t yet know about.
The Akashic Records are Dynamic
A metaphor often used to help explain the Akashic Records is that they are a library of information. Similar to going into a library, the idea is that you can step into the Records, select a topic like you’re pulling a book from a library shelf, and flip through it to find an answer. This is a very helpful explanation. However, at the library, there’s no changing the words in the book. That volume is static.
It’s complete.
There’s another view that lends a richer, deeper understanding of the Akashic Records. Rather than a warehouse of information where batches of static information are stored about people, things, and events, the Akashic Records are pure, universal, infinite energy. Because your soul is energy, you are connecting with the flow of your own soul when you access the Akashic Records. And because energy flows and connects without limitations, your soul can connect with the energy of everything: past, present, and potential. In other words, the information that comes through your Akashic Records is from your soul and its connection to the flow of universal energy.
In the Moment
A soul contains an immense amount of energy, potential, and knowledge. But accessing the Akashic Records doesn’t mean all that knowledge and potential are dropped at your feet the moment your Records are opened. That would be overwhelming. The way into the wisdom of the Akashic Records is to ask questions. Energy follows intention, and the energy of the Akashic Records follows the intention of your questions.
When you ask the Akashic Records a question, that question is pertinent to you in the moment. So is the answer. This is because energy is like a ripple in a pool. You make a decision or think a thought or take an action, and it sends out ripples. Other people making their decisions, thinking their thoughts, and taking their actions also create ripples. All of those ripples intersect and affect each other, creating new patterns and opening new choices for you and everyone else in every moment.
But More Than Momentary
Although the information that comes through the Records is relevant and specific to you in the moment, the effects of those “aha moments” are often more than momentary. The flow from your Akashic Records may reshape your ideas about what happened in the past, show you new paths, or open a vista you hadn’t known existed.
The flow from the Akashic Records is relevant to you in the moment, and you (along with everyone and everything else) are never static. As you grow, so does your soul and your Akashic Records. This is why if you ask the same question a week, month, or year apart, your Akashic Records reveal different depths of information.
A New View of the Akashic Records
So, to circle back to the question at the beginning, “What are the Akashic Records?” The Akashic Records are a way to help you see your life from your soul’s point of view. Your soul is energy, as is everything. As you connect to your soul’s Akashic Records, you’re connecting to universal energy. The Akashic Records are a dimension of spiritual consciousness that’s endlessly available and flowing to help you know, let go, and grow.
Inner Alchemy tribe member Maribeth Stephens is an Akashic Records intuitive. She experiences the Akashic Records as gentle, revealing, and thought-provoking, all in service of better understanding the underlying energy of relationships, patterns, and spiritual connection. Learn more about Maribeth or the Akashic Records.
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