Crystal Light Therapy
What is Crystal Light Therapy?
Crystal Light Therapy involves laying under a special light that is made of 7 extremely clear and highly polished Vogel cut quartz crystals suspended approximately 12 inches above the client lying on a massage table. Each of the quartz crystals has been cut to a specific frequency. Each crystal is aligned above one of the seven human energy centers or chakras. Colored lights, chosen to match the chakra colors, radiate light and energy through the crystals to each respective chakra, and shine on and off in certain rhythms to cleanse, balance, and align your energies.
As the color is transmitted through the crystal onto the corresponding chakra, the chakra is cleansed, energized, and brought into balance with all of the other chakras. This allows the other aspects of our self, whether it be mental, emotional or physical to be brought into balance. For when the chakras are out of balance, all the other aspects of ourselves will also be out of balance. Then as these subtle energies are brought into balance, the body’s own natural healing mechanisms are able to function as they were designed to do. The Crystal Bed Healing cleanses, balances opens, and recharges the body’s energy creating a deep relaxation. This healing modality is also sometimes referred to as a Crystal Bath.
What top Expect in a Crystal Light Therapy Session?
You will lay comfortably on a massage table and receive 30 minutes of hands on reiki energy healing. Then the Crystal Lights will be turned on. You may feel a variety of sensations during and after sessions – pressure, weight, lightness, heaviness, hot, cold, wind, all manner of body sensations, tickling, tingling etc. The crystals can evoke feelings of peace and serenity, and typically a very deep relaxation. You may simply fall asleep and wake up feeling very refreshed and renewed. You may experience insights and release of specific personal issues and memories. You may have feelings of warmth, movement, expansion, cleansing, or a feeling of being touched. Some people feel sensations of physical healing taking place, as they feel the presence of the healing spirits working directly on their physical bodies. Your awareness may even extend beyond yourself to higher states of consciousness.
Benefits of Crystal Light Therapy
Many people who have had Crystal Bed Healing Sessions have reported some of the following:
An increase of definitions in the senses (taste-food, sight-colors, touch-awareness)
Feeling more energized – clear thoughts – ability to focus.
Felling a deep relaxation – a connection to the earth and/or universe.
Feeling more at peace within themselves – a balance of the chakras.
Feeling less stressed and in increased sense of overall well-being – increase in health.
A deeper spiritual understanding of themselves, and their life situation.
Gaining insights into their future life path and the evolution of Mother Earth.
Gaining insights of the cause of disease states – looking inward into personal health.
Receiving guidance as to how to best deal with their disease or problems.
Every person who receives a Crystal Light Therapy session will have their own experience which is relevant to their own condition, needs, and level of awareness. It is advisable to rest after a session and drink lots of water in order to fully integrate.