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Online! Live Akashic Records Channeling on Lightworkers

Akashic Records Channeling on Lightworkers

Lightworker is a term you may have heard in recent years. What are lightworkers? Have they always been around, or are lightworkers something new for our unsettled times? Who and where are they? Do they share a common motivation?

Join Akashic Records Intuitive Maribeth Stephens as she channels information about lightworkers. You’ll be invited to ask general questions about lightworkers and receive answers directly from the Akashic Records. Connect with like-minded spiritual adventurers for an hour-long Q&A that’s sure to be filled with warmth, fun and, quite possibly, some surprises.

About the Akashic Records
Filled with Love and Wisdom, the Akashic Records are a dimension of spiritual consciousness that:

  • Offer deep exploration and support growth

  • Illuminate balance and simplicity

  • Connect the personal and the spiritual

  • Offer empathetic understanding

  • Respond to the desire for growth and spiritual expansion

Connecting with the Akashic Records allows you to connect with spiritual energy to gain understanding from a wider, deeper perspective that can resonate long after the channeling is over. 

Event Notes

  • 18 and older only, please

  • Tickets are by donation at a level comfortable to you (plus Eventbrite ticket fee)

  • Maribeth will email you a Zoom link after your spot is reserved

Please note that because this is a group event, your individual Records won't be open and questions about your personal situation can't be answered. For information about an individual Akashic Records reading please email Maribeth at

© 2020 Akashic Balance, LLC

About the Akashic Records
Filled with Love and Wisdom, the Akashic Records are a dimension of spiritual consciousness that:

  • Offer deep exploration and support growth

  • Illuminate balance and simplicity

  • Connect the personal and the spiritual

  • Offer empathetic understanding

  • Respond to the desire for growth and spiritual expansion

Connecting with the Akashic Records allows you to connect with spiritual energy to gain understanding from a wider, deeper perspective that can resonate long after the channeling is over. 

Event Notes

  • 18 and older only, please

  • Tickets are by donation at a level that is comfortable for you.

  • Maribeth will email you a Zoom link after your spot is reserved

Please note that because this is a group event, your individual Records won't be open and questions about your personal situation can't be answered. For information about an individual Akashic Records reading please email Maribeth (contact information is below).

Text © 2020 Akashic Balance, LLC

Photo credit: Pexels


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About Maribeth Stephens

Based in Seattle, Washington, Maribeth has done Akashic Records consultations for clients on three continents. Maribeth’s clients describe her as a gifted Akashic Records intuitive. She offers a gentle and warm approach coupled with the ability to get to heart of the matter. For as long as she can remember, Maribeth has been interested in exploring different paths in her attempt to reach her own understanding of spirituality. When she came across the Akashic Records in 2007, her resonance with them was immediate. She, like so many others, responds to the Akashic Records because they support each person’s unique and individual journey. As a natural empath, Maribeth acts as a witness and relays without judgment what is fundamental to you, in the moment, from your Akashic Records.

Interested in booking a session with Maribeth:

May 16

*ONLINE* Align with the Inner Goddess Meditation

May 20

ONLINE Kundalini Yoga, Celebrating the Goddess