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Meet Your Animal Spirit Guide.

2020 Neaves January SOul Spa.png

Did you know you have a whole team of guides, angels, loved ones and even animal spirit guides supporting you from the realms of spirit?   

Animal spirit guides, or sometimes-called power animals or totems, are powerful members of your spiritual team/resource circle. Your animal spirit guides work from beyond the physical to empower you and to help you stay present and in balance. Power animals also offer guidance, protection, help you to overcome fear, and they can lend you their specific wisdom and attributes to support you on your journey through life.

As a human being yoiu change day by day, heck sometimes minute by minute and You may have one power animal, or you can have more than one animal spirit guide at a given time. You may even have some animal spirits, who join you for a brief while to help you through an emotional challenge, offering guidance, or lend you strength, at a certain point on your path. You may even have the spirit of a past pet join your team in spirit to continue loving and supporting you after their life, from the realms of spirit.

 Neave  Karger of HeartSong Communication  will lead you on a journey to meet one of your sacred power animal.  Upon meeting them you will be guided to start a conversation with them to learn how to work with them.

Spend an hour meeting one of your Spirit Animals Guide you may be surprised who shows up!

Neave Karger, Inner Alchemy Tribe Specialist

Neave Karger, Inner Alchemy Tribe Specialist

Who is Neave?

Neave Karger takes pride in helping people gain confidence in using their intuition as an Intuition Coach. She is an animal communicator, energy healer, Reiki practitioner, ceremonialist, and the founder of HeartSong Communication.

Neave’s work has deepened the animal and human relationship for people all over the world. She holds sacred space for interspecies dialogue, hosts ceremonies, leads classes, and offers healing to allow her clients to awaken their intuition with their self, animals and the natural world. She facilitates conversations between animals and their people by being a voice for the animals and communicating their truth, observations, suggestions, desires, questions, concerns and messages.

Neave believes animals are here to teach us to walk in harmony and balance in our lives. She is honored to be able to listen and guide the shared songs of the heart.

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