Inner Alchemy's Spring Cleaning for the Soul presents:
Masterful Mediumship Class-Building Your Power to work with Spirit.
"If all you ever did was to sit in the silence one hour a day, your gift as a medium would flourish under Spirit's guidance".
Andy Byng, England's Arthur Findley College Tutor
What does Sitting in the Power Mean?
It means that to be good conduit and communicator for Spirit, you must learn and establish a practice of:
turning off your thinking mind
asking your ego to step aside
tune into your higher Spirit/God Self
ground your energy with Mother Earth
calm and center your energetic field
expand your aura
A good medium understands when the discipline for this practice weakens, so does her ability to have strong and deep spirit connections. Because when we are in that still, quiet, calm, centered place, spirit can see our light to find us and then meld with us for a rich spirit dialogue.
Learning to cultivate your unique style for sitting in and building your power is the focus of this month's Masterful Mediumship. Master Teacher, Ahni Atkins will lead us through several techniques and exercises to experience what it feels like to achieve this balance. You'll learn what to incorporate and how to find that rhythm and connection with yourself for consistent spirit connections.
Ahni is a trained shaman, psychic, and medium. She has spent decades studying with master teachers in the UK, for learning the processes for achieving "sitting in and building your power.
Ahni's Bio:
Ahni Atkins was born in Jacksonville, FL and attended the University of Louisville in Kentucky where she ultimately earned a doctoral degree in education and later earned a doctoral degree in parapsychic science. She taught in public schools and at the university level until she had a psychic experience that awakened her abilities and lit a fire for a spiritual path. She studied extensively at the Arthur Findlay College and became a psychic-medium. She is a third generation psychic-medium. Ahni had several more unusual experiences that lead her to Shamanism. She then learned and eventually taught the Peruvian tradition of Shamanism until her Guides taught her Seidr, which is Celtic Shamanism. This was a perfect fit because her family is British. She is an award-winning mystery writer and has channeled 3 metaphysical books. She does readings, writes, mentors students, and studies with the Fraternity of Hidden Light, an esoteric group founded by Dion Fortune. She is presently channeling a book from Metatron and loves gardening and Pickleball in the Central Rockies in Colorado; but plans to move to Charlottesville, Virginia this year. For more information, go to her website