Our women’s sangha is a community of women coming together to learn, share and experience deep connection in community.
We gather every first Saturday of the month.
I have long celebrated the potency and power of women supporting each other in a fun, collaborative and co-creative way. The time is now for us to come together, share together, celebrate together and go deep together.
Monthly themes align with what is most up for us right now.
I have sought out local experts to share their knowledge with us.
-March’s theme is Intuition.
Our guest speaker is Melissa Kincaid a psychic medium who has been working and developing her abilities for the last 10 years. Her intention is to help people heal through soul readings and connecting them with loved ones in the spirit world. She wants to help people find, explore and embrace their soul's full expression to live their best life.
Here’s what you have to look forward to.
Introductions, agreements and orienting to the day.
Holly Furen, local tea maven of My Necessitea will introduce the special tea blend that we will sip on throughout the day.
Sound bath to guide us in deep root chakra grounding so that we can open our third eye with ease. Allowing the sound and vibration to release tensions and bring peace from within.
Nourishment of fresh salad with a range of toppings.
Melissa will guide us in exploring our own abilities.
Gratitude blessings and farewell until next month.
The studio is located at 3618 SW Alaska Street and is a warm and cozy space to gather together. Soft lighting, essentials oils, and a deep feminine energy is just the perfect setting.
-Custom tea blend from My Necessitea shared to sip throughout the day and available for purchase. https://www.mynecessitea.com
What to bring:
A journal, an item to add to our altar, a water bottle, favorite blanket and comfy slippers.
How long have you waited to find your tribe of women?
Now is the time for us to gather in a sacred circle.