Join Neave of HeartSong Communication for a very special Winter Solstice Spiral.
During the holidays, do you struggle with the busyness of holiday cheer and your desire to relax and turn inward?
Give yourself a gift of quiet reflection on the longest night of the year to connect with your inner light and at the Winter Solstice Spiral. The journey you take through the spiral represents an inner journey to find your own “light” within. In the very center of yourself, you will discover your own beauty, strength, insight, and gifts to offer the world. You then turn from this discovery within and carry your gifts of radiance back out into the world.
What to expect:
The Winter Solstice Spiral is a simple and beautiful ceremony a contemplative evening with instrumental music.
You will enter quietly into the darkened movement room space, where a feeling of reverence and expectation envelops you. Then we will gather together around a spiral path built up of evergreen branches, with a single lighted candle at its center. Each person will be invited to walk the path and to light his or her individual candle from the light at the spiral’s source. While retracing the spiral, each person will place her or his candle on a holder (a Star) along the path. As person after person, repeats this solemn and careful gesture the spiral and the entire room slowly fills with a warm light; the light of many small candles whose source is the same.
Dress: There will be multiple candles in and around the spiral, so for safety purposes no long or overly loose dresses. Hair is best pulled back.
Photography: No photographs or video during the ceremony. Please keep all phones, cameras, and video equipment put away.
About the Presenter
Neave Karger was first introduced to a Winter Spiral through her children's Waldorf Education. For over 12 years she participated and experienced the beauty of the ceremony at the Waldorf School, she wanted to make this ceremony available to the larger community to celebrate the light within.
Neave s an Urban Shaman and takes delight in creating ceremonies in collaboration with the natural world and the animals. Ceremonies she has led include sweat lodges, house and land blessings, 1000 Goddess Awakening 2018, Circle of Life: Animal Experiences:Salmon Lessons, Eagle Lessons, Heron Lessons, Crow Lessons, Meet your Spirit Animals. She enjoys working with people to craft ceremonies to support people in their life moments.
Neave takes pride in helping people gain confidence in using their intuition as an Intuition Coach. She is an animal communicator, energy healer, Reiki practitioner, ceremonialist, and the founder of HeartSong Communication. Through her work with animals and the natural world Neave knows that sacred space, intention, ceremony and being witnessed can be transformational.
Neave Karger, Inner Alchemy Tribe Specialist