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"Transformation" with Jolene Hagin-Art Walk and Community Party

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"The Transformation of the World is brought about by the Transformation of Oneself."

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Inner Alchemy welcomes Jolene Hagin as our featured artist for September! Jolene's mediums are oils, encaustic and acrylic.

Here is her Artist Statement:

"Transformation is defined as transmuting, a metamorphosis, a major change in form, nature or function. It is something we all do throughout our lifetimes, unpeeling the layers of that proverbial onion to discover our true self and our deepest calling.

I recently left a 27-year career in corporate sales and am letting myself return to my creative and healing nature, qualities not revered in the corporate world. Coming home again, to my souls calling, a peacefulness and freedom has appeared.

The body of work explores the transformative nature of the various chapters of our lives- the joys, the anguish, the triumphs and revelations."

Join us for the fun evening with beautiful art, complimentary mini sessions and sips and nibbles.

Jolene Hagin

Jolene Hagin

September 11

Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Gong Bath

September 13

Crystal Alchemy-GRAND OPENING!