Within each of us there are feminine energies and masculine energies. These parts of us embody our beliefs about the feminine and masculine which we project out into the world as our life experience.
Join us for a two-part experiential workshop at Inner Alchemy where you will be become more aware of the feminine & masculine within you and start a healing process to bring greater peace to your inner world.
It’s not about gender identity or sexual expression. All genders and orientations are celebrated.
While we strongly encourage you to attend both workshops, each workshop can stand on its own.
Workshop Details:
The Feminine Within on Sunday, May 19 – 1:00-5:00pm at Inner Alchemy
The Masculine Within on Sunday, June 23 – 1:00-5:00pm at Inner Alchemy
The fee for each workshop separately is $45. The fee for both workshops together is $70 (we recommend the balance of exploring both)
Scholarships available – send an inquiry to gage.rick@gmail.com.
Rebecca Gage
My purpose is to anchor the Divine Feminine and create healing spaces for the heart. I love supporting and nurturing Spiritual leaders, especially all those at Inner Alchemy who are such amazing healers. Classes and workshops: I do private sessions, home clearings, and support groups. I teach classes on "Opening Your Heart to Love" and "Vision Boards of the Heart". Also workshops co-lead with Rick Gage on "Connecting the Masculine and Feminine Within".
Rick Gage
Rick Gage is a seasoned SoulPrint Coach. As a leadership coach, mentor and a catalyst, Rick is an architect builder of culture and community. He is called to be a vital support to cultural and spiritual revolutionaries like the tribe at Inner Alchemy. Rick coaches both individuals and groups, guiding them through the SoulPrint discovery process that he has developed to deepen your understanding of your unique genius and calling in the world.
An important part of Rick’s purpose is to embody mature masculine to support harmony and balance with the feminine which is a foundation for the workshop Rick co-leads with his wife Rebecca called, “Connecting the Masculine and the Feminine Within.”