A Journey of Self Discovery, Healing, and Connection.
About this Event
A thoughtful combination of 3 transformational experiences wrapped in an all day event. Only when we remember who we truly are can we be certain of what we want. Join us for a guided experience of self realization and playfulness, as we gain clarity on our Soul’s journey.
Clearing the path
Using Hypnosis we will be guided through a “conscious” experience of powerful reflection. The subconscious mind will help us identify what is holding us back or blocking our success in life. We will then have the ability to reprogram with the truth and begin living our best selves. Understanding that all feelings are good will be an important part to continuing self – discovery. You will also receive an ebook called “The Secret Language of Feelings” along with a handout to help you on your journey.
Heal Your Past – Create Your Present – Transform Your Future!
Connecting with True self
A guided intuitive journey combining playful creative expression and your sixth sense. We will be guided in a heart centered meditative experience to access our inner voice. Tami will create a sacred space to allow everyone to create freely without fear, giving ourselves permission to enjoy this powerful tool of self expression.
Whole body integration
Once we have received our messages for healing, Kayla will lead a guided meditation combining personalized intuitive energy healing. You will be infused with sacred space and sound for deep physical relaxation and mind body integration.
Intuitive messages
As you open up to your true self, Tami will connect to Spirit through automatic writing on your behalf. While you are immersed in healing energy you will receive valuable information for your path. These written notes will be direct messages from your Spirit guides, Higher Self and Ancestors. Tami Bensen is a Psychic Medium who specializes in guiding others to reconnect to their own intuition.
Introductory price of $99
Limited spots available!
What's included
Crystal ally $ 5 value
Secret language of feelings $ 5 value
Guided hypnosis experience $ 150 value
Intuitive Art Journey guided by a Psychic Medium $ 90 value
Your intuitive artwork! $ Priceless
Intuitive reading (written message) $150 value
Intuitive healing infused with sacred space & sound $ 100 value
Light refreshments for snacking Complementary
______________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL $ 500
YOU SAVE!! $400
Everyone is welcome!
Meet your Guides
Lisa Shook is a certified 5 path Hypnotherapist, and 7 path teacher. Lisa's passion is to educate people about hypnosis and how it can be an accessible healing practice. Hypnosis is one of the most safe and natural ways to make changes in your life fast.
kinetichealingconnection.com kinetichealingconnection@gmail.com
Intuitive Artist & Medium
Tami Bensen is a Psychic Medium/Artist who specializes in reconnecting clients to their own internal guidance system. Understanding your intuition can reduce worry, Improve sleep and increase confidence.
intuitiveArtSeattle.com info@intuitiveArtSeattle.com
Energy Healer
Kayla Gomez is an intuitive energy healer and yoga teacher who specializes in Polarity Therapy, a technique used to rebalance and align the body’s energy flow for optimum health and self-awareness.
kaylagomez.com gomezkaylamarie@gmail.com