Louise Hauck
Inner Alchemy is so excited to host a very special presentation by Louise Hauck.
Louise Hauck is a ‘time-traveling’ intuitive spiritual counselor. For over thirty years she has presented to audiences and consulted for clients internationally. Louise has a lot to say these days about telepathic communication with the higher self of others — those suffering the effects of dementia, stroke and coma, employers, ex-partners, difficult friends or relatives, pets, and all of nature.
Louise is also passionate about giving evidence of our ever-present connectivity to unconditionally loving, higher energies that include the Angelic realm and the Elemental world, to certain religious icons, and to loved ones in the ‘non-physical.'
Louise P. Hauck - Futurist and Intuitive - author of: Beyond Boundaries; Heart-Links; Fearless Future; and Streaming Consciousness
[When prearranged with program directors, Louise is happy to do random 'tuning-in' for audiences following her presentations to demonstrate many principles covered in her talks.]
Early Bird tickets are $25 until September 4th and then tickets are available for $30.
At the door tickets will be $35.