Inner Alchemy Presents:
Ignite the Light Within-an Intuitive Art Play-shop with Tami Bensen
Intuitive art reminds us who we truly are. Intuition shows us how to trust ourselves and find our true path in life. Everything in life is communication, let art remind us how to listen again.
Come color outside the lines with me joyfully, as we learn how to love ourselves all over again.
No artistic ability needed.
Tami Bensen
Tami is a natural born Medium who grew up in the Angeles National Forest until the age of 8. She is an Intuitive Artist who combines her psychic gifts with her own unique soul's calling. Intuitive art as she describes it, is the process of letting go of self judgment to truly trust yourself. Although she mainly works in painting and sculpture, she does not place limits on soul expressions. Being an actual Medium herself Tami draws intuitively from all artistic mediums, this freedom of creation is where she is most joyful. She has used art as a tool to reconnect to her own true self; this helped to awaken her intuition and self confidence. Tami has designed a simple and powerful process to help you navigate your own journey. She joyfully guides private and group Intuitive art sessions here at Inner Alchemy. Art should not be reserved only for those who call themselves Artist’s. Every soul in the universe deserves the freedom of expression, and the opportunity to feel limitless.