Inner Alchemy's Celebration of Sacred Animals Presents:
Connecting with your Spirit Animal Guide
Connecting with Spirit Animal Guides brings new understanding about ourselves and our relationship with our world. When we cultivate our connection with animals and their spirit, we form powerful bonds with allies and guides that can help us in learning more about ourselves, engaging in life more fully and facing challenges.
When we find our Spirit Animal, we begin to understand that there are world’s beyond the material one in which we live. Our 6 senses can become sharper as we start using natural instincts to “think”. This can enhance our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual abilities.
Finding your spirit animal can help you discover Courage, Abilities, Paths, Strengths and Wisdom.
In this workshop we will discover what wonderful spirit animal is protecting you in your life, right this very minute.
When you connect with a Spirit Animal you are encouraged to:
Discover yourself, get a sense of your strengths and weaknesses, the skills you have developed and your potential to explore more
Loosen up your personality and habits and open up to transformation
Open up to new perspectives on your relationship with nature and the earth as a whole
Feel the power of the spirit animal and be inspired by its qualities
Call on the spirit animal to get support and guidance
Open to a situation or environment in your everyday life that has a strong emotional impact.
Discover a life direction you would consider or reflect on.
Stephen Scheurich, Inner Alchemy Practitioner