Inner Alchemy Presents local author Mugoux and her new book “The Tarot Reader’s Dog”!
Young Adult Fiction for Young Mystics and Wisdom Seekers. Join writer and mystic, Mugoux, at the launch of her book, The Tarot Reader’s Dog. Come in costume as a fortune teller or a cute dog. Learn a little about the Tarot and a lot about this exciting book that dives into the real adventure of mysticism in everyday life. Join Mugoux for her book reading, signing and mini Tarot Readings for all!
This is a free event with limited seats so be sure to RSVP ASAP!
Mugoux lives in Seattle, and while Vivian may be a product of her imagination, Oliver is not. He did come to her in a dream and is part of the inspiration for The Tarot Reader's Dog.
Mugoux began her life as a tarot reader when she was about the same age as Vivian Jones, the heroine of The Tarot Reader's Dog. Mugoux went on to earn a degree in film-making. Yet, being a young mystic herself, she became a Reiki channel. During this time, she was blessed to be given A Course in Miracles. These life-changing gifts led her to a life as a healing practitioner.
In her late thirties, Mugoux returned to her love of film and video working as a creative director in the corporate realm. She began writing in earnest during this period, scripting screenplays, and autobiographical fiction. She continues her healing practice through her YA fiction with the intention of offering the subject of enlightenment and mysticism to young readers. The Tarot Reader's Dog is the first in her series, starring Vivian Jones and Oliver the dog.